
Category: Donations

Have you ever thought about adopting a village? Friends who are in the process of adopting commented to me that they are excited about the cycling4water project.  At best we

We started the day on the road at about 7 am thinking we would get rain but our fears were not realized. Our ride was through some great agricultural land

Some of you may be wondering how Dino and Ray are doing. They are the traveling buddies my grandsons sent along with me. Dino was traumatized by having to watch

You may wonder what our RV “Home on Wheels” looks like on the inside… Here’s a tour. First we have the cozy “Loft” or “Honeymoon Suite”.  This is where Jacquie

We are being hosted by the Cornerstone Church. They have been really good to us, with dinner last night before we made our presentation, then lunch today after the service.