
Day 24: Golden to Canmore – 165 KM

Day 24: Golden to Canmore – 165 KM

A very cool morning, 7 C, with fog and clouds greeted us. The first section of the ride was a climb out of Golden, through a massive road construction project with no shoulders. It was such a relief to have that behind us. The road and more importantly the shoulders were in great shape once we got through the project.

The fog and clouds cleared to reveal a beautiful blue sky day. Our route took us through Yoho and Banff National Parks. Amazing views greeted us around every curve. We had a major uphill climb through the Kicking Horse Pass.

We reached a new milestone, saying goodbye to BC and entering Alberta. Our lunch break was in Lake Louise Village. Rob and Gabe make a quick ride up the lake. Rob has never been in the area before.

Our ride from Golden to Lake Louise was maybe the best and fastest leg of any day so far. We had great road surface, blue sky, wind at our backs and amazing views!!

In Canmore, we had tag team hosts. Clark and Heidi hosted us for dinner and provide homemade muffins for desert but we ate them before dinner because they looked so good. After dinner we parked overnight at Keith’s house for showers and a sauna. Big thank you to Keith, Clark and Heidi.