
Day 25: White River to Como Lake 173 km

It was a cold morning, 4.5 degrees in White River. We hit the road at 7:00 am. The road was gentler than the day before. We had a good ride through lakes and rolling hills to Wawa. The wind was in our favor some of the time. A beautiful ride.

photo(54)In Wawa we had to stop at this significant landmark!…

DSC_5259From there we took Hwy 101 to Como Lake Resort. It was a bit of roller-coaster but very little traffic which was really nice!

photo(52)Sue and Lee, my sister and brother in law own and run Como Lake Resort and hosted us for the evening.

DSC_5394We got in at just after 5 pm, in time for a swim before dinner. Our riding clothes needed to be washed so went in them. Sure felt good.

DSC_5364Had a wonderful fish fry with a the master fish frier in charge!

DSC_5388Some of the guest were joined us for dinner and for a presentation about Cycling 4 Water.

20140725_172743A very satisfying day!