
Day 39: Riviere-du-Loup to Grand Falls, NB 194 km

Our day started with the 5 of us maneuvering around the RV starting at 5:30 am to fix breakfast and get on the road. We made it out shortly after 7 am. DSC_6061Our first 80 km had a lot of up and down. Eastern Quebec and western New Brunswick is the northern end of the Appalachian Mountain range. This was the first long challenging up hills and trilling down hills since the Lake Superior area. I think we all enjoyed the change.photo(127)We did have a short scenic side trip when a local cyclist showed us a wonderful bike path build on an old railroad bed. We followed if for about 15 km.photo(130)Shortly after we crossed into New Brunswick, sad to say goodbye “la belle province,” the road flattened out a bit and we started to follow the St. John River. What beautiful views and a really nice sunny day with mild temperatures, great for cycling. Today was Rob’s first full day with us since his accident!photo(129)You know you are getting tired when…DSC_6102A cyclist put up beside me and started talking French. I replied, “Sorry I do not speak English.”
At about the 175 km mark Timo said, “Now I understand why motor cycles were invented.”
We pulled into a nice grass area, I was having a bit of trouble unclipping and thought, “I think I could fall.” I decided it would be an easy way to get off the bike, so I fell.
We had a good day, a long day, but really a wonderful day of cycling.