
Day 51: Corner Brook to Springdale 173 km

Our day started with the alarm at 5 am. We hit the road at 7. The sun came up to display a red sky. Someone quoted the saying, “Red sky in the morning, bikers take warning.” That was fulfilled before long… Some really nice views as we left Corner Brook.DSC_7370Our first 50 km were under overcast skies and a few drops of rain. We stopped for coffee and chatted with a truck driver who told us there would be a few hills then our way would be flat. Well, it became clear he had never cycled the road! It was not as challenging as yesterday but the road was not flat.DSC_7372Shortly after coffee, it started to rain. The next 123 km were all done in the rain. Before day “48” we had only 4 rain days, none were an “all-day” experience. This is the third day we have had rain in a row. Three days of wet shoes.DSC_7414Think about getting up with warm clean feet and putting them in cold wet shoes… Ever wonder what feet look like after being in wet shoes all day…Now you do. DSC_7418Everyone had a good attitude but it was not only rain, hills but also a significant head wind. A challenging 11 ½ hour day!!

We did get to see our first moose close to the road, a young bull. He headed into the bush before we could get a picture. Even this young bull was much bigger than I expected. DSC_7239Our host in Springdale is the Springdale Pentecostal Church. We were happy to finally reach our destination. DSC_7392 Pastor Lindsey and his wife Kim took us out to dinner after hot showers. Both dinner and the shower were so appreciated. Dinner was pan fried Cod! Thank you Pastor Lindsey and Kim!!!DSC_7422

They also committed to taking on a well! That brings our total to 26.

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