
Day 55: St. John’s to Cape Spear 20 km

We woke up early by habit even though we were not riding today. We did some laundry and got ready to do a presentation at the Worship Center. DSC_8133At the service, after our presentation the pastor announced the church committed to a well! So encouraging!

That brings our well count to 27 or even 28 depending on the amount of online donations. So we are getting really close to 30. Half our goal but to think 30 villages will get clean disease free water is so exciting!water wellI almost forgot it was my birthday until we were on our way to the service. This is the first time I’ve had Happy Birthday played on a fiddle!

DSC_8127Lunch was at Burger King. We had decided to ride out to Cape Spear, the most eastern point in North America. It was about a 20 km ride and yes there were hills. In fact, I walked part way up two. My body was in rebellion. It was saying, “Read the fine print. I only agreed to take you to St. John’s, Cape Spear was not in the contract!”DSC_8164 It was worth the effort. What a beautiful place and the sun came out for part of our time there.DSC_8200We made a quick stop at Signal Hill which overlooks the harbor. DSC_8260Then it was clean up and box up time.  We boxed up our bikes and cleaned out the RV. Dinner was pizza. The team surprised me with an ice cream birthday cake!! So good…DSC_8280For a day off it sure was a full day. Hard to believe this chapter is over and our team of five head out tomorrow. What an amazing experience it has been. In the coming days I have some “Lessons from the Road” I will be posting on this blog, plus an update on our final well count.

Thank you to everyone who has made this possible! What a wonderful team effort! We so appreciate all the people who hosted and feed us. The sponsors that gave generously and each person that donated to the wells. And especially all of you that have follow us and encouraged us with your comments and prayers. THANK YOU and God bless you!