Day 1: North Bound

Day 1: North Bound

We finished loading and hit the road this morning at 9 am. Jacquie did an amazing job with getting us stocked with food and all the necessities for the trip.

Finishing the Task: Arctic Ocean

Finishing the Task: Arctic Ocean

C4W Finish the Task – Sea to Sea to Sea: One year ago, on July 19th, our Cycling 4 Water team of four set out on the Sea to Sea

Thousand Little Miracles

Thousand Little Miracles

“It was a journey of a thousand little miracles,” shares Lyndon Dojohn, our road manager and the Church Partnership Director for GAiN, as he reflects on the ride. It has

63 Wells!!

63 Wells!!

Yes, our Cycling 4 Water well count is up to 63! When we finished our ride in Halifax on September 25 we had 50 wells pledged or covered. A great

The Final Sea

The Final Sea

One of the goals for this ride was to cycle Sea to Sea to Sea: Arctic, Pacific and Atlantic. When we realized in July that starting at the Arctic Ocean

Days 64, 65, 66, 67: Wrapping Up

Days 64, 65, 66, 67: Wrapping Up

Day 64: With a great sense of satisfaction, Rob, Timo and Gabe flew home on Monday: Gabe to Ottawa, ON, Rob to Gatineau, QC and Timo to Mission, BC. Mike

Day 63: Sold!

Day 63: Sold!

What a team, not only on the road! We emptied and cleaned the motor home inside and outside! It was ready just minutes before the first showing. As Mike and

Day 62: We Made it to the Atlantic!

Day 62: We Made it to the Atlantic!

The last day of cycling! We were hoping for sun in our face and wind at our backs. We got neither. It as cloudy, a few showers and we had

Day 61: Moncton to Debert – 149 KM

Day 61: Moncton to Debert – 149 KM

After a few construction detours in Moncton, we emerged from the city and followed the Trans Canada into Nova Scotia. The road was rolling and the contrary winds slowed our

Day 60: Fredericton to Moncton – 180 KM

Day 60: Fredericton to Moncton – 180 KM

Our day started with a short cut! We were googling the route from our host location when we realized the street out of town was just over the hill, a