
Lesson from Cycling: Hills

As you can imagine, cycling across Canada gives the opportunity to encounter hills, lots of them! There were some long uphill grades that were really difficult! At times, wind and bad road conditions added to the challenge. The rewards for long climbs included some great views, as well as the thrill of the long downhill grades and the break they provided!DSC_3780

Along the way I developed a technique that helped me face hills. In the difficult uphill sections I found if I focused on the long road ahead leading to the crest of the hill, I tended to be overwhelmed and was tempted to stop pedaling. But if instead I focused on just the next few meters of road ahead, I was less overwhelmed, seemed to have more energy and was able to conquer the hard road ahead. The key to succeeding with these hills seemed to be where I placed my focus, the next few meters or the long road ahead. The physics of the ride does not change, but just focusing on getting through the next few meters makes a world of difference.DSC_7559

In life, like cycling, I like the “long downhill grades” where I just sail along. I would like to avoid the hard uphill stretches, if possible, but they always seem to find their way into the road ahead. In the overwhelming life moments, staying focused on the next step, the one small thing I can do to move forward rather than the long road ahead seems to make the overwhelming tasks of life circumstance less overwhelming. Like it or not, the difficult moments and life challenges do provide some new “views” along with a deeper appreciation and understanding of life that can only come through facing life’s hills.DSC_4110

Jesus has some words of encouragement about focusing on the road just ahead in these moments of challenge… “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.”                 Matthew 6:34 –The Message