
Day 33/34: Days Off in Ottawa

We are 4731 km or 2940 miles into our trip according to google maps. The total is close to 8000 km or 5000 miles. Our bike odometers have all had issues so we are depending on goodle maps now.  We have 18 more cycling days to reach St. Johns plus two rest days for a total of 20 days. map-relief-croppedSo it is a good time to have a two day break. Here I am enjoying a 3rd cup of coffee, maybe 4th… Is this relaxing or what?photo(86)We did some cleaning inside and bug removal outside on the RV… DSC_5614Bike clean up and tune up… DSC_5613Visited Parliament Hill. HillWe also did 5 presentations of the project yesterday and today…

Two Bar B Qs: Lynn and Bernie hosted one with me and Rob hosted one at his house.

Three churches: Alta Vista Baptist, Emmanuel Chinese Alliance and Rob’s home church Église Baptiste Évangélique Le Sentier.  Response has been so encouraging! As far as we know we have received about $5500! This amount does not count any donations online from Ottawa presentations. Thank you!!

photo(87)So good to visit with friends and take a rest from cycling for an extra day. Tomorrow we start at 6:30 am from Parliament Hill and will go to Montreal.