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Day 59: Grand Falls to Fredericton – 191 KM

Day 59: Grand Falls to Fredericton – 191 KM

Our cycling route followed the Saint John River all day. Even though we followed the river, we had an amazing number of hills to navigate and once again the wind was not in our favor. We pushed against a gusty head wind most of the day.

It is a beautiful ride with lots of different views of the river and the country side. A unique sight in Hartland was the longest covered bridge in the world.

We started the day with our whole team. After the first 40 km, we again split and covered the rest of distance doing a “leap frog” of 30 km distances. This made the distance, hills and wind a bit more manageable.

Our host tonight is the Journey Church in Fredericton. Pastor Matthew treated our team to dinner! Thank you Journey Church and Pastor Matthew!