
Day 62: We Made it to the Atlantic!

Day 62: We Made it to the Atlantic!

The last day of cycling! We were hoping for sun in our face and wind at our backs. We got neither. It as cloudy, a few showers and we had head wind that got stronger during the course of the day. A good challenge for the last day!!

CTV Halifax contacted us for an interview. Because of their schedule, we had the interview at 3 pm so we arranged a point to dip our tires in a bay about 15 km from our planned touch point with the Atlantic at Point Pleasant Park.

Once we finished with the CTV interview, we rode the last 15 km to our desired dip point. We had some great views of the Halifax shoreline.

Lyndon also finished the last 5 km of his 340 km water walk with a 40 pound weight vest that simulates a container of water carried by woman in villages.

It is hard to believe we just finished 8610 km and 62 days on the road since leaving Dawson City! Another well was pledged today which brings our well count to 50!! Wow, very encouraging! This makes all the time and effort worthwhile! At least 50 villages will be transformed by clear water!

After an amazing dinner with friends, Chris and Heather, we started cleaning out the motor home to get it ready to sell. Five prospects are taking a look at it tomorrow.