
Day 61: Moncton to Debert – 149 KM

Day 61: Moncton to Debert – 149 KM

After a few construction detours in Moncton, we emerged from the city and followed the Trans Canada into Nova Scotia. The road was rolling and the contrary winds slowed our pace.

The Nova Scotia welcome centre is maybe the nicest of any we have experienced in our travels. A bagpipe player and a view of a cove off the Bay of Fundy might have influenced our opinion.

A reporter from CTV also met us at the welcome centre to record an interview.

Crossing into Nova Scotia, we were required to show our proof full vaccination and fill in an online form identifying our location while in the province. Nova Scotia also provided a fresh supply of hills. The Cobequid Pass gave a good work out.

No host tonight, we are at the Elm River RV Park in Debert, NC. Mike had his dessert early as a reward for climbing the Cobequid Pass.

Lyndon made us a delicious dinner of beef stroganoff, potatoes and caesar salad.