Get in touch with us: info@cycling4water.ca

The Dream, The Passion

What was?

The original dream

In 2014, Rob was one of a team of four who cycled across Canada from July 1 to Aug 23 in partnership with Global Aid Network (GAiN). Hundreds of people, churches and companies gave over $285,000 to provide 33 deep-capped water wells in Benin, Togo, Ethiopia and Tanzania. Thanks to them, 33,000 men, women and children now have clean, disease-free drinking water! Sponsors helped make this possible and ensured that every dollar raised during the trek went directly to the wells.

Rob’s dream to cycle across Canada and raise funds was however only partially fulfilled. On July 17, he had a major accident near Portage-la-Prairie, Manitoba.

Accident Day - Aug 17, 2014 Rob welcoming the cyclists at the end of the day .
Accident Day, July 17, 2014: Rob welcoming the remaining cyclists at the end of that day.

After 20 days of healing, he rejoined the team in Quebec City and cycled the rest of the way to St. John’s, Newfoundland.

What is?

Continuing the dream

Rob and Timo are planning to continue the dream, combining their passion for cycling with their passion to help offer disease-free, drinking water to thousands of people. From July 28 to Aug 16, 2016 they will cycle 2800 km — from Portage-la-Prairie, Manitoba to Quebec City — and seek to raise another $85,000 to provide an additional 10 wells.

cycling4water 2016 route
cycling4water 2016 route

(Follow us/Rob live on MapMyTracks.)

Why raise funds for water?

When we want a drink of water, we grab a glass and turn on the tap. We don’t give it a second thought. This is not the case for millions of women and children in rural Africa. They walk an hour or two, carry a heavy container of water back home and hope they have enough for their family. Not only is the water difficult to obtain but it often carries disease.


A deep, capped well that delivers clean water saves lives, improves health and transforms an entire community! Children are less sick. They go to school instead of fetching water. Their moms devote more time to their families and home businesses.

How can I be involved?

  1. Donate towards a well
  2. Invite us to speak when we are in your community.
  3. Host us when we are in your community.
  4. Sponsor the team