
Day 28: Sault Saint Marie to Blind River 138 km

A new week, on our way again… We are finding it hard to meet such wonderful people day after day and then leave so soon when we would love to build on all these great introductions for example our hosts in SSM!DSC_5483We started our ride today under clouds. It stayed that way most of the day. The cool temperatures were good for cycling. By the picture below you might think we took a wrong turn…photo(58)There is construction on Hwy 17 so we were directed along some side roads by our host. What great advice and what a peaceful ride through farm country. In Echo Bay we came across a bit of history…photo(57) Did you know the person who designed the “Loonie” was from Echo Bay? Our ride to Blind River, only 138 km, took us to the shore of Lake Heron. The road had a gentle roll to it so we make good time. Timo and Richard had time for a swim before dinner. photo(60)

Richard, Timo, our host Dick and I had an authentic Finish sauna and swim after our evening presentation at the Blind River Anglican Church. Rev. Roberta and her team put on a great potluck dinner for us. The audience show keen interest in our desire to bring clean water so many communities. photo(61)Jacquie had to return to Abbotsford for a few days so Rob is taking over as the “road manager/driver” till Jacquie joins us again in Ottawa. He has big shoes to fill!photo(56)

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