
Day 44: Charlottetown to Truro, Nova Scotia 1

Bruce and Maureen made breakfast for us at 6:30 am and we were on the road at 7:30 am. DSC_6596Bruce lead us out of town by the most direct route. We like short cuts. Thank you Bruce and Maureen for getting us started with a great breakfast and a short cut! Our route to the ferry was rolling hills and great views. photo(140)Come to think of it, everywhere in PEI seemed to have great views. PEI would be a great location for a cycle vacation. photo(139)Bev and Al, friends of Jacquie’s aunt, met us at the ferry with lunch which included lobster sandwiches. Thank you Bev and Al. DSC_6643Entering Nova Scotia puts us in our 9th province and we have completed 6500 km with just under 1500 to go.  photo(143)It’s hard to believe we have gone so far! photo(141)The road from the ferry to Truro was very hilly. Some of it reminded me of Northern Ontario but no red roads in Northern Ontario. DSC_6681We got in at 5:30 pm. We are parking at the Immanuel Baptist Church in Truro. Our evening is unscheduled so that means early bed time!