Day 8: Dempster Highway – 143 KM

As we were finishing breakfast, it started to rain. But by 8:00 am when we where ready to go it stopped! My thought was, “God’s grace is new every day!” It was a cold start but much better without rain. Because we stopped at the top of the pass, our ride started with a nice downhill and then we followed the Engineer Creek that flows into the Ogilvie River. So our first 90 km were very good with great views of the river valley.

We even got a ride in a pilot truck through a 5 km construction zone with Willey, a very helpful and friendly driver.

All good thing must come to an end sadly. At the 90 km mark into our day, we left the river and started a killer 13 km hill. Richard gets the “mountain goat” award for being first up every hill. Timo and I were more like pack mules going up the hills. At the summit we are joined by Anthony, a solo cyclist that rode with us most of the day.

Just before the summit Anthony got a flat tire. Richard went back down the hill to help him. While we were waiting at a pull out, I took a little nap. Jacquie caught me in the act.

We were hoping that after we reach the summit it would be a nice downhill, but we moved into 30 km of rolling hills and the road started getting rougher. After several, we start thinking, “This has to be the last hill.” We had some great views made all the work worth while.

We stopped for the night at 6:45 pm not sure if we have finally hit the flats. So this second day went from an easy day to a very hard day. Richard commented, “I knew this would be hard but not this hard!”