
Day 6: Whitehorse – 0 KM

Day 6: Whitehorse – 0 KM

This week had some unexpected events; most significant was the death of Gabe’s mother in law at the age of 92. He flew out this morning and will be in Ottawa this week, rejoining us in Prince Rupert next Saturday.

We will be in Whitehorse this weekend. Two days off because the of the schedule change from not being able to enter the NWT.  This week allowed us some margin for the physical demands involved.  If the NWT had opened up we would have cycled 1,375 in contrast to the 534 we actually cycled in the same number of days.  As much as we wanted to start in Tuktoyaktuk, this schedule has been a blessing.

Today is shopping, laundry, oil change and house cleaning of the RV.  Lyndon is a rock star at keep all this moving forward. The next leg from here to Price Rupert will be even more remote.  Getting all stocked up becomes a priority! Even had time for a hot lunch… Mac and Cheese!

Tomorrow we are going to do an open C4W Zoom conversation with anyone who would like to join us.  Hear about the first week on road and ask any questions. This is an experiment, so we hope it works!!

Please join C4W Zoom Meeting: Sunday, August 1 at 4:30 PT


Meeting ID: 955 5700 8221    Passcode: 587189